
About Turn
Away No Longer

Turn Away No Longer, Inc is a 501(c)3 non-profit faith-based community organization established in October 2020. Since then, we’ve served thousands of Indiana kids through Katie’s Boutique and our Swag Pack program. Our ministries continue to expand, including the creation of TANL House: a safe, welcoming place for children to await foster placement.

Our Mission

Our mission is to improve the lives of children in the foster care system by meeting tangible needs and sharing the love of Jesus; helping each child thrive, even under the most heartbreaking of circumstances.


Who We Serve

TANL ministries exist primarily to serve youth who are considered to be Children in Need of Services (CHINS) by the Indiana Department of Child Services. This simply means they are involved with DCS in some way, though they may be living with a foster family, relatives, or their family of origin.

There are many reasons a child or teen may be designated as CHINS, including neglect, abuse, caregiver health, incarceration, homelessness, or a variety of complex circumstances, all beyond a child’s control. The number of children in need of services in Indiana is high and the resources are lacking, but we can make a difference by meeting tangible needs in a loving way.

In everything, we strive to show kindness and respect to the children we serve as well as their families, regardless of their current situation. We encourage you to do the same, especially while interacting with TANL on social media or participating in ministry events.

TANL also serves hundreds of other Indiana residents through annual events like the Blue Bridge Coats project and one-time events for specific needs. Sometimes the best way to serve Indiana youth is to meet an immediate need in the broader community and we remain flexible to do so.

Meet the Team


Tracy Walters

Founder & Executive Director

It takes just one small gesture of kindness, love, and compassion to change the world. Children are a gift from God and every single one of them needs to know there’s someone in their corner, that they are seen and loved. Be the Light. Be the Love. Be the Change.

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Jeremiah Walters

Co-Founder & Director of Marketing

I am blessed to have a grandmother who took me in and raised me. So many kids unfortunately do not have someone like my grandmother. This organization provides an opportunity for us all to be light in the lives of those kids who have nowhere or no one to turn to.

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Robert Case

NHUMC, Board Chairman

When I first met with Tracy and Jeremiah about the very first car show, I felt a strong presence from God to do what ever I could to make their ministry a success. Since that time I have seen so many ways that God is moving in and through “Turn Away No Longer”. I have also seen our congregation stepping up to assist in so many ways. I believe we have been given this task as a way of helping the least of these as mentioned In Matthew 25:40 “what you do for the least of these… you did it to me”. I also see this ministry as more than just a ministry to foster children, I see it as a ministry to changing the thought process of the families in Madison County. We need to educate the families to appreciate the blessings of those children that they have been given.

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Rich Mousty

Board Co-Chair

It’s a true privilege to have an opportunity to serve as a board member for Turn Away No Longer. Their commitment to serving the youth in our community in their time of need is inspiring.

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Christopher Cage

Board Member

Turn Away No Longer is a fabulous 501(c) (3); which I have had the pleasure of serving on their board of directors.

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Jody Walters

Jody Walters

Board Member

I am so honored to be on the board of TANL. Jeremiah is my nephew, I have experienced every phase of his life and this Foster Organization is his very best phase. He and Tracy have devoted their lives to TANL. Together they have done the most amazing things for the Foster Community and they are by no means done. I am excited to see what is next. They are a great team and wonderful individuals.

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Mike Johnson


Mike and his wife, Angel have served their church Greater Light Church in Anderson in various capacities including as Youth Pastors (4yrs), Associate Pastors (5yrs), and Senior Pastors since 2004. Mike, Angel, and their children also serve their community, with this scripture and quote in mind:

“When we were utterly helpless, Christ came at just the right time and died for us sinners.” Romans 5:6

“It is of little benefit to have the words of Jesus in our mouths and not the ways of Jesus in our feet.” ~KB

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Becca Mattson

Former Foster, Board Member

What I love about TANL is that TANL dares to be different—to love relentlessly, dream boldly, and serve diligently to meet the needs of foster youth in our community.

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Caitlin Haskett

Board Secretary

My favorite biblical verse is Luke 2:28- “Simeon took him [baby Jesus] in his arms and praised God”. Because just like how old man Simeon knew baby Jesus would do great things later but didn’t know exactly how, all children have a mission of greatness by God that we as adults don’t fully know. But we can always take them in our arms, even if it’s only temporarily, and praise God for them. Which is what TANL House is all about.

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Meet TANL Sponsors

Thank You!

While we can’t include everyone on this list, TANL couldn’t survive without our volunteers, financial supporters, and dedicated community members. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts. Please know that YOU make a difference.

Frequently Asked Questions

 1615 E 17th St. Anderson In 46016

No. Katie’s Boutique is designed for foster children and relative placements. We do honor referrals from the Indiana Department of Child Services and their family preservation program, other organizations and agencies.

Swag Packs are designed for children who are being removed from their situation and are given to IDCS and case managers to have on hand.

All swag pack items have to be new items including the back pack. A list of those items can be found here.

We have a donation facility currently located at 3205 W 25th St Door B1 in Anderson. Donations can be dropped off at the door.

New/VERY gently used clothing, New Hygiene products, New socks and undergarments, New toys and shoes. We are limited on storage space and volunteers to sort through donations.

No. We do not have programs designed for this but you can call #211 to get local agencies that do

Packing List FAQ