Turn Away
No Longer
To show children the love of Jesus
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Values That Define TANL Ministries
Turning toward children in need.
The number of children in need of services in Indiana and the lack of resources available to them is daunting. When the need seems too great or the circumstance feels overwhelming, it is easier to look the other way or say, “There’s nothing I can do”, but these children are not forgotten by Jesus. It is our calling and our commitment to intentionally turn toward the need and show God’s love in tangible, impactful, meaningful ways.
Dignity for those we serve.
Every human being has immeasurable value in God’s eyes. We believe that when Jesus spoke of loving the “least of these”, He was referring to our human biases, not the value system of our Creator. Jesus repeatedly lifted people up and He calls us to do the same. That is why we strive to serve in ways that restore dignity, empowerment, and joy to people who are in need, just as we would want for ourselves.
“...You shall love your neighbor as yourself.” Galatians 5:14
Everyone can help.
We believe that God has created each person with unique gifts and He invites all of us to be a part of His work in the world, regardless of our financial resources, physical capabilities, or social status. For that reason, TANL is always looking for new opportunities for people to participate in our ministries. 1 Corinthians 12:27 says “Now you are the body of Christ and individually members of it” and we each have an important part to play.